Trouble logging in?

Cookies are required to use this site (for functionality).

To enable cookies in Internet Explorer:

  1. In Internet Explorer click Tools (in the menu or the sprocket looking icon), and then click Internet Options.
  2. Click the Privacy tab.
  3. Click Sites.
  4. In the Address of website box, type, and then click Allow.
    As you type, a list of webpages that you have already visited will be displayed. You can click an item in the list and it will be displayed in the Address of website box.
  5. When you are finished, click OK.

How to enable cookies Internet Explorer, Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Opera.

General tips:

1. Make sure "Caps Lock" isn't on
2. Make sure you are typing your e-mail and password correctly
3. Trying closing and reopening your browser
4. Reset your password and try again:

5. Some have experienced a looping issue when trying to log in. If you are having this problem, your MCG cookie needs to be deleted. You will only have to do this once. We have fixed the programming problem that was causing this loop and once this cookie is deleted, this looping issue will not occur again.

    • Option 1: Please click here to delete your MyCrewGuide cookie.
    • Option 2: To manually delete your cookies (using Internet Explorer 8- other versions are similar) go to Tools, Internet Options, and under Browsing History click Delete, select Cookies and click OK. If you aren't using Internet Explorer, perform an internet search on how to delete the cookies in the browser you are using.
    • Option 3: If you can see the word "logout" when the page is looping, click on it. Logging out will delete this cookie. The programming problem has been fixed and you shouldn't see that looping issue again once you delete your cookie(s).

6. If none of these work, please click here and describe the issue you are having. We will get right back to you.


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